Aviation Courses / Trainings/ Licenses:

IAS, UMT offers 4-year degree programs with PCAA License studies. It is also a great privilege that HQs, Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (PCAA) has already approved this university, first in Pakistan, as an ATO (Approved Training Organization) to impart ground training on below mentioned courses for subsequent exams to be held by HQs PCAA.
BS Aviation Management (BSAM)
- Flight Operation Officer/ Flight Dispatcher (FOO/FD) License course. Vide PCAA certificate number: 1397/529/2017.
- VFR & IFR flying training with Airport Ground Operations & Air Traffic Control (ATC) on Flight Simulator of aircraft Cessna-172 at UMT.
BSc Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Technology (BSAMET)
- EASA Part-66 (B1.2/B3) License from EASA-Approved MTO, Aero-Bildung, GmbH, Germany
- Hands-on experience for AMET students on operational aircrafts at the airport.
For Pilots of all Categories in Pakistan
IAS, UMT as a Ground courses for Private Pilot License (PPL) / Commercial Pilot License (CPL)/ Instrument Rating (IR)/ Airline Transport Pilot License (ATPL). vide PCAA certificate number:270/530/2017
Upto 30hrs log-able flying training on FAA &PCAA-approved flight simulator for PPL/CPL& IR course at “Walton Aviation Training School” (UMT Sub-Campus for Aviation), Walton Airport, Lahore.