Academic Programs

BSc Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Technology (AMET)

Program Overview Program Objectives Program Learning Outcomes Road Map AMET License Career Prospects

Program Objectives

The objective of our BSc AMET program is to equip our students with education and skills, academically, technically and intellectually, to meet the demands of the modern aviation industry by producing qualified and competent aviation professionals. The curriculum of Aircraft Maintenance EngineeringTechnology has been developed to achieve the enlisted objectives.

Program Education Objectives

The graduates of the BS AMET program of UMT are expected to be characterized by the following three qualities:


PEO 1: Establish themselves as practicing professionals in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Technology or associated fields.


PEO 2: Involve in lifelong quest of knowledge and interdisciplinary learning appropriate for industrial and academic careers.


PEO 3: Contribute to sustainable development and the betterment of the society.


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Institute of Aviation Studies