Flight Simulator in UMT

In the era of science & technology, we know that the use of simulation almost on every subject in the field of education has, now-a-days, become an essential part of the knowledge process. Aviation is one of the professional enthusiasms where, in developing countries, various simulation programs are introduced to benefit students & learners. Since the advancement of flight simulation and its use in the field of aviation has become a common phenomenon all over the world, therefore, in a bid to improve & develop flying aptitude, a complete Flight Simulator Aircraft Cessna-172 has been set up in University of Management and Technology (UMT) for the students of BSAM & flying enthusiasts.
Salient features of this Flight Simulator Aircraft are as under:
- Knowledge of various types of aircrafts
- Flying procedures (VFR & IFR
- Air Navigation and procedures.
- Air Routes (High & Low)
- Different weather conditions
- World`s airports & their real information/ data
- Actual locations of Navigational aids & Frequencies of world airports
- Emergencies during flying and flying in severe weather conditions.
- Functioning of Airport Ground Services.
- Computer generated air traffic`s (On ground & in air) movement
- Air Traffic Controller`s communication with pilot
- Real-like sound of aircrafts, environment, weather and ATC communication.
- Functioning of different aircraft instruments.
- World-wide on-line flying under VATSIM.
- Trans-world flying under laid down procedures of ICAO/FAA etc.
- General aviation and airlines knowledge.
- …..and much more.!
After going through the intensive training on flight simulator trainer, following opportunities will be available to the aviation students, professionals and enthusiasts to further improve their qualities/abilities in the field of aviation:
- Real-like feelings of flying.
- Global airports locations & configuration.
- “To-be-there” in regard of aviation`s operational environment.
- “Seeing is believing” advantage.
- Intensive training & practice and that too in a very low cost
- Risk & fear free experience.
- Development of flying & aviation aptitude/enthusiasm.
- Maintenance of enthusiasm for the profession of aviation.
- Practical of all the theoretical studies of operations in aviation.
- Those who can get flying training:-
- UMT students of Aviation Management.
- Students of various flying clubs.
- Students of other School/colleges, intend to learn flying on flight simulator
- Enthusiasts keen to learn flying on flight simulator in a professional manner.
Keeping in view the road-map for BS Aviation Management program under Institute of Aviation Studies of UMT & realizing the dire need of a supportive training aid for the students, in the year 2013 it was planned to establish a flight simulator bearing maximum features so that more and more knowledge about air operations could be imparted to all of the students in Institute of Aviation Studies. Besides, the intention was also to provide flying training to the aviation enthusiasts in other departments of this university and outside of this university. After completion of all sort of necessary formalities, the erection and installation of a flight simulator of an aircraft, Cessna-172 was started within the premises of UMT in 2013.
Life-Size Model of Cessna-172: A life-size mock-up of the aircraft Cessna-172 was built with wood, wooden planks and hardboard in a bid to give it a real look as much as possible. Fuselage (excluding its horizontal & vertical stabilizers), full-fledge cockpit, both the half-sized wings, fire-wall area, nose with fixed propeller of full size. Necessary textures i.e. front & side windows, riveting on its entire external airframe, attractive color scheme with decals and call signs on its fuselage and under the both wings as per standard specifications and color, door for entry into the cockpit, operate able taxi & landing lights of appropriate specification at its true locations (Nose & on leading edge of lefts-ide wing ), pitot-tube with the cover of red color, REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT, baggage area with a door at its fuselage.
Cockpit Area:Spacious cockpit for pilot and first officer, provided with adjustable & comfortable seats on its position, rear space for additional student with jump seat to monitor the flying. Fire extinguisher is displayed aside for emergency use. Entire interior of the cockpit is fully upholstered with artificial leather. Full-sized instrument panel with glare shield top, overhead panel for light switches, air-conditioning, beckoning, taxi & landing lights. Leg-room for rudder paddle on both sides i.e. PIC & FO. Throttle quadrant position between the seats of PIC & FO. Hooks to hang R/T head phones of both the pilots on their sides. Four LCDs in semi-circle to act as front and side window for the sceneries. Four hidden speakers of surround-sound system make the cockpit environment more real with engine and other sound effects.
Air Traffic Control: Just outside the aircraft but within the simulation room, there is an ATC set up with radar on LCD and R/T communication system simultaneously among ATCO,PIC & FO. The performance of flight and readings of all flight instruments along with the terrains, routes/way points, computer-generated air traffic, information regarding airport & Navigational Aids, all types of frequencies are available on the LCD display. During operations, constant communication remains among ATCO,PIC & FO for monitoring of the flight.
Ground Handling Facilities: There is ground handling facility in the simulator as actually at an international airports. On landing, on call “Follow-Me Van” guides an aircraft after landing from active runway to the desired bay/parking stand at an apron where marshaller, having torch batons, found alert and get the aircraft parked accurately. After shutdown of engines, the vehicular-stairs are attached with every door designated for passengers. Catering vans arrive on time to attache with the front & rear door and start transferring catering boxes into aircraft cabin. Refueling is carried out when no passenger is in the aircraft. Baggage & cargo is also unloaded and loaded with the help of baggage conveyor belt and ULD lifter. Water supply cart, tug-master for push back.
Flight Instruments, Avionics & Controls Entire range of analog flight instruments of Cessna-172 is displayed on the instrument panel. In this regard, Saitek flight instruments are installed as under:
- Altimeter
- Vertical Speed Indicator
- Artificial Horizon
- Tachometer
- VOR-1
- VOR-2
- Radio stake
- Airspeed Indicator
- Heading Indicator
- Turn Co-ordinator
- GPS-500
- Horizontal Situation Indicator, HIS
- Engine gauges
- Annunciator
- Radio Panel
- Switch Panel
- Multi-Panel
- Duel-Functional Control Yoke on both sides(For PIC & FO)
- Rudder Paddle (For PIC)
- Throttle Quadrant (Throttle, Prop-Pitch, Mixture) for twin & more engines.
FLIGHT OPERATIONS After passing theoretical semester on the subject of “Aircraft Performance & Flight Simulation”, each student compulsorily has to go through the flying experience of one-hour VFR flight and next day one-hour IFR flight. On the beginning of each flight, Proper briefing on the flight plan & route along with the checklist and relevant approach plates are given to the students. After necessary briefing, student himself carries out pre-flight 360 inspections of the aircraft. Then takes the charge of cockpit as a Pilot-in-Command and proceeds further as per the flight plan under the procedure required. During the flight all the procedures are strictly followed and in this regard ATCO pays its pivotal role.
At the end of successful VFR & IFR flying experience, the students are awarded certificates by the Institute of Aviation Studies, UMT.
For more details: watch video of this flight simulator on the link below:

For BS Aviation Maintenance Engineering Technology
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